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Why To Appraise Turquoise Jewelry
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Why Should You Appraise Your Turquoise Jewelry?

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Authentic turquoise jewelry has a timeless allure and a special place in Native American culture and history. Indigenous people believed that wearing real turquoise jewelry offered powerful effects and often used the stone to create ceremonial items.

At Palms Trading Company, we buy real turquoise jewelry from indigenous artisans that have been appraised and authenticated by our Native American Indian art specialists. By purchasing turquoise jewelry from us, you can rest assured that your stone is genuine.

Let’s discuss why you should appraise your turquoise jewelry in the extraordinary cultural context of indigenous tribes and how to tell if your jewelry is authentic.

The Fascinating Formation of Real Turquoise

Real turquoise is formed through a natural geological process. It’s a secondary mineral that forms where water interacts with certain minerals, typically in arid or semi-arid regions.

Turquoise starts with host rocks, such as limestone or sandstone. These rocks provide the framework for the formation of turquoise deposits. Water that carries dissolved copper minerals must then permeate these rocks for turquoise formations.

When the copper-rich solution encounters aluminum-rich minerals, a chemical reaction occurs. This reaction results in the precipitation of turquoise within the rock. Over thousands or millions of years, the deposition and transformation of minerals create turquoise veins or nodules within the host rock.

The formation of turquoise is a complex geological process, and variations in mineral composition and environmental factors can lead to different qualities and colors of turquoise.

Turquoise can come in shades of blue, green, and yellow. The presence of other elements, such as iron or zinc, can influence the overall coloration and matrix patterns within the stone.

The famous green-blue color is typical of the highest quality turquoise. Many fakes have been created in the market attempting to mimic a uniformly blue color.

Methods to Tell if a Turquoise Stone Is Fake

You can try and spot a fake stone in various ways. One of the easiest is to check price tags that are probably too good to be true.

Visually, you might also spot places on the stone where the dye has built up on the artificial cracks of the piece. In addition, if you can’t feel cracks on the stone, the design is likely painted on.

Other hands-on ways are to use an acetone solution to see if the dye color transfers off the stone or a hot needle to see if any plastic or resin is being burnt.

However, even with these methods, it can still be challenging to tell if turquoise is genuine. More dupes enter the market every day, and some sellers even mix parts of natural turquoise with fake material to trick customers.

Appraising your turquoise is the only way to know what your jewelry is worth.

What Turquoise Means in Native American Culture

In Native American culture, turquoise is a sacred stone. Depending on the tribe, turquoise can have a variety of meanings.

The turquoise stone is known to bring luck to harvests, promote good health, and provide protection. As a color, turquoise is associated with the sky, water, security, and beauty.

It’s important to note that specific meanings associated with turquoise vary among different Native American communities. The significance of turquoise can also differ based on individual experiences and cultural practices.

A Few Interpretations of Real Turquoise

Turquoise is often regarded as a protective stone that shields the wearer from negative energy and brings good fortune. Many tribes, such as the Apache, will attach a stone to their weapons and homes for this reason.

Turquoise is considered a stone that enhances spiritual connection and communication. It’s believed to help connect the physical and spiritual realms, facilitating a deeper relationship with nature, spirits, and ancestors.

For example, the Zuni tribe would wear turquoise-infused masks and wear colorful blue-green body paint to worship Awonawilona, their supreme life-giving power.

Some tribal leaders also wore the stone because it was associated with wisdom and power, and the stone was believed to provide mental clarity and enhance decision-making abilities.

Turquoise has been utilized for centuries in Native American art, jewelry, and ceremonies. It’s highly valued in Native American culture and integral to tribal life.

Top 6 Reasons to Appraise Your Turquoise Jewelry Today

Here are 6 reasons you should consider appraising your turquoise jewelry.

1. Authenticity Verification

Authentic turquoise possesses a unique allure. Many imitations flood the market, hoping to replicate the beauty of genuine turquoise.

Appraisals by qualified experts help verify the authenticity of your turquoise jewelry.

2. Preservation of Heritage

Turquoise holds immense cultural and historical significance in New Mexico. Native American tribes, such as the Navajo, Apache, and Zuni, have created exquisite turquoise jewelry for centuries. By getting your real turquoise jewelry appraised, you contribute to preserving this heritage.

Appraisers can recognize and document craftsmanship techniques and cultural styles, ensuring this knowledge is passed on to future generations.

3. Investment Protection

Real turquoise jewelry is a treasured heirloom and a valuable investment. Having your jewelry appraised provides an objective assessment of its worth.

Appraisals document your jewelry’s quality, rarity, and condition, giving you a reliable basis for insurance coverage or potential resale.

4. Historical Context

Each piece of authentic turquoise jewelry carries a story, connecting you to the rich history of New Mexico. Turquoise has been used by Native Americans for ceremonial purposes, as a symbol of protection, and for decorative adornment.

Appraisals offer insights into the historical context of your jewelry, providing information about the era, the artisan, and the cultural significance behind the design. Understanding the historical context enhances your appreciation for the piece and allows you to share its story with others.

5. Expert Advice

Appraisers in New Mexico possess a wealth of knowledge about turquoise and its various forms. They can offer invaluable advice on caring for your jewelry, including cleaning methods, storage recommendations, and ways to prevent damage.

Their expertise ensures that your turquoise jewelry remains in optimal condition for generations. Moreover, they can guide you in making informed decisions when acquiring new pieces or expanding your collection.

6. Personal Satisfaction

Having your real turquoise jewelry appraised provides a sense of personal satisfaction and peace of mind. Knowing that your pieces are authentic, valuable, and well-cared for brings a deep appreciation for turquoise’s cultural significance and beauty.

Where to Appraise Real Turquoise Jewelry

At Palms Trading Company, we offer expert appraisal services for all your Native American Indian jewelry. We can provide a detailed overview of your turquoise gem to explain its cultural significance and provide an accurate estimated value.

Contact us today to get your real turquoise jewelry appraised!